Today is one of those perfect days. Everything on campus is either blue like the cloudless sky, green like the grass that is not yet dead, or red like all of the brick buildings around campus. Gorgeous! We also have crisp breezes and a ton of sunshine...I'm loving my sweatshirt, and loving fall even more!
I've got choir this afternoon and that's always fun. I've also joined the women's vocal jazz group on campus...we are already making some great sounds (50's cheesy hip hop and "I could wish you" from Guys and Dolls...such tight harmonies, such good music!) ...there are three of these groups this year and we are looking forward to putting on a jazz night and collaborating all three and maybe the jazz band. FUN is awesome because it can be enjoyed and stretched in so many ways. It's kind of amazing really that you can call the racous percussion group we saw during first week and a symphony "music."
The final aspect of perfection in my life recently is that I'm living with Laura Cos this week because her family is in San Fran....It's almost like getting a roommate, only we have a whole house and plenty of food and space to study and/or cause trouble, and no parents to stop us. Yesterday I ended up with a very wet shirt while doing the dishes and we watched a fun movie, tried to help each other come up with vocabulary for our assorted papers and compared notes on psyco teachers....oh, and stayed up way to late. Fun! I've also been getting a daily fix with "diary of a wombat" which she so graciously gave to me. That made me a happy girl. Anyway, tonight we're having a night out and going to Ruby Tuesdays even though we will probably end up paying for it with another late study night. Oh well...might as well live life, right?
And so, somehow, this week jam packed with tests and papers has come to a surpisingly positive light. One test down and not too painful, the papers, although certainly not written are well in hand and finally getting a direction, and despite the looming jam packed weekend I am determined to get things done. The joy of the Lord is powerful indeed...lean hard into him when the going gets tough and use your life as a praise offering!! Wishing you a day that's as close to perfect as we'll get here on earth...peace to you all
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
a thought for all you developing geniuses....
hi all...synopsis of my weekend:
-sleeping a little
-doing casey's hair for homecoming
-wishing I remembered to buy that ugly yellow parka to zip casey up in before she left (she was absolutely usual...)
-sleeping less than a little
-working out
-talking to you....
in the midst of a crazy amount of reading this weekend I came across a quote that made me think...
"One cannot be creative without learning what others know, but then one cannot be creative without becoming dissatisfied with that knowledge and rejecting it (or some part of it) for a better way."
....just a thought as you all journey through this sponge-filling experience we like to call school. This week "learning what they know" means two quizzes and my first two tests (bio and chem) a scientific research paper, an english paper, and probably the other classes won't just be idle...oh boy...prayers are appreciated. Love you all but must to-bed now. Blessings on your week.
-sleeping a little
-doing casey's hair for homecoming
-wishing I remembered to buy that ugly yellow parka to zip casey up in before she left (she was absolutely usual...)
-sleeping less than a little
-working out
-talking to you....
in the midst of a crazy amount of reading this weekend I came across a quote that made me think...
"One cannot be creative without learning what others know, but then one cannot be creative without becoming dissatisfied with that knowledge and rejecting it (or some part of it) for a better way."
....just a thought as you all journey through this sponge-filling experience we like to call school. This week "learning what they know" means two quizzes and my first two tests (bio and chem) a scientific research paper, an english paper, and probably the other classes won't just be idle...oh boy...prayers are appreciated. Love you all but must to-bed now. Blessings on your week.
Sunday, September 18, 2005

Friday, September 16, 2005
it's coming....
so I'm sitting here on this cool Friday afternoon at the coffee shop, trying to study for chemistry but much more successful at watching everyone walk by. It has been rainy and chilly for two days and yesterday I saw the first real reds on a maple tree by our house. It's official...fall is definitely on the way. YES!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend...
Have a great weekend...
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
ate grass...
took a nap...
ate grass...
Decided grass was boring, went to look for some better food...
If only I were a wombat...
ate grass...
took a nap...
ate grass...
Decided grass was boring, went to look for some better food...
If only I were a wombat...
Saturday, September 10, 2005
soccer moms, jones soda, Jerehmiah, and badminton...
random titles are my favorite part of these things...I mean where else can you come up with a list and stick them all together like they fit? Love that...
Today was bizzare...since mom and dad's lives were both dominated by choirs of various kinds I got to be a soccer mom for the day....toting TJ and casey to choir auditions, soccer games, and a birthday party. Good stuff. Also got to chill with casey and play tetris. she whooped me as normal...nice to know that not everything changes when you go to college.
Tonight we had a social for people from college world at the Johnsons...hoping to get a college group started at Riverside in the near future. It's odd to spend so much of your time in a tight knit youth group and then have to start a new group as a freshman...all new people...same needs. Interesting. Anyway, we had 10 or 12 people there, not bad for the first night...and several of the girls are coming to Riverside tomorrow. We played cards, a great game of badminton, and then watched the universal "youth hang out and laugh" movie...yep, Napoleon again. I think the first time was enough... oh, and the verdict on the green apple jones soda is that it gives me a tummy ache. :(
It's been a struggle trying to connect with people on campus...especially now that classes have started and people are getting tunnel visioned. But I am determined to stay dedicated. One of the girls I've started to get to know plays volleyball and went to Christ Lutheran in Buckley, one of the schools DCS played. Anyway, she lost her brother in a car wreck a year ago tomorrow....I am so thankful that she's able to go home and be with her family this weekend. I can't imagine being on a campus in her shoes. Being around her is a constant reminder to be greatful for every moment...and on the lookout for people who need an encouraging smile or a hand up. ...there are so many hurting people at Millikin...many of whom have no hope.
Jeremiah was an interesting dude...he had this amazing message for the people, but he questioned God a lot about whether or not he was to carry the burden. Among his complaints about the struggles, God keeps sending him prophesy so irresistable that he can't help but write them down right amidst his griping:
"If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me;
if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.
Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.
I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze;
They will fight against you but will not overcome you,
For I am with you to rescue and save you" Jer. 15:19-20
Love you all and am praying for you---blessings...
Today was bizzare...since mom and dad's lives were both dominated by choirs of various kinds I got to be a soccer mom for the day....toting TJ and casey to choir auditions, soccer games, and a birthday party. Good stuff. Also got to chill with casey and play tetris. she whooped me as normal...nice to know that not everything changes when you go to college.
Tonight we had a social for people from college world at the Johnsons...hoping to get a college group started at Riverside in the near future. It's odd to spend so much of your time in a tight knit youth group and then have to start a new group as a freshman...all new people...same needs. Interesting. Anyway, we had 10 or 12 people there, not bad for the first night...and several of the girls are coming to Riverside tomorrow. We played cards, a great game of badminton, and then watched the universal "youth hang out and laugh" movie...yep, Napoleon again. I think the first time was enough... oh, and the verdict on the green apple jones soda is that it gives me a tummy ache. :(
It's been a struggle trying to connect with people on campus...especially now that classes have started and people are getting tunnel visioned. But I am determined to stay dedicated. One of the girls I've started to get to know plays volleyball and went to Christ Lutheran in Buckley, one of the schools DCS played. Anyway, she lost her brother in a car wreck a year ago tomorrow....I am so thankful that she's able to go home and be with her family this weekend. I can't imagine being on a campus in her shoes. Being around her is a constant reminder to be greatful for every moment...and on the lookout for people who need an encouraging smile or a hand up. ...there are so many hurting people at Millikin...many of whom have no hope.
Jeremiah was an interesting dude...he had this amazing message for the people, but he questioned God a lot about whether or not he was to carry the burden. Among his complaints about the struggles, God keeps sending him prophesy so irresistable that he can't help but write them down right amidst his griping:
"If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me;
if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.
Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.
I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze;
They will fight against you but will not overcome you,
For I am with you to rescue and save you" Jer. 15:19-20
Love you all and am praying for you---blessings...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Labor Day??
I'm not sure who it is that labors on this weekend, but I can tell you that it wasn't me. I had a great weekend of relaxing and ignoring my homework. I've decided that living at home presents you with tons of reasons NOT to study. Oh well...
Friday, casey got duded up in her regalia to go march at the football game. Dude, she looks hot in overalls and a plume... (the funny thing is that you think I'm kidding!). It was fun to finally see the band...she did great although the team struggled mightily.
That night we headed to Faith where we had a lock in. Got all our wrists tied together and were forced to eat pizza...that of course ended in a food fight that Zach won :( somehow loses its appeal when it's smeared all over your face. But it was pretty fun. We also played with balloons, crate paper, and well as Dance, Dance Revolution, super weird comedy videos, and murder in the house. A couple of the college kids were home and it was great fun to see them. Even went to IHOP and tried to order at like 6 in the morning. I'm sure that waitress thought we were all stoned. Tee Hee!
Saturday, after a good nap, we went out on the boat with the Cos parents (who were without children for the day) and Annie K and her roomates. they are SWEET girls, and we had a great time screaming our heads off. I even got to drive the boat!! That night Casey and I watch Anne of Green Gables...Sunday Anne of Avonlea, two of my favorite movies. Monday we went to the parade for our yearly quotient of tootsie rolls and dum-dums. ...and we also saw the band march there again. One cute, tall, slender flute player was especially attractive.....Monday night we spent at the Webers, eating and talking and playing games. Good times.
So, you can imagine that this morning came as a bit of a shock...I'm not quite ready to be back at it...but I can't complain too much since I still LOVE my classes and am not quite swamped with homework. Thanks Lord. Hope you all are doing well...blessings on your labor, or lack thereof.
Friday, casey got duded up in her regalia to go march at the football game. Dude, she looks hot in overalls and a plume... (the funny thing is that you think I'm kidding!). It was fun to finally see the band...she did great although the team struggled mightily.
That night we headed to Faith where we had a lock in. Got all our wrists tied together and were forced to eat pizza...that of course ended in a food fight that Zach won :( somehow loses its appeal when it's smeared all over your face. But it was pretty fun. We also played with balloons, crate paper, and well as Dance, Dance Revolution, super weird comedy videos, and murder in the house. A couple of the college kids were home and it was great fun to see them. Even went to IHOP and tried to order at like 6 in the morning. I'm sure that waitress thought we were all stoned. Tee Hee!
Saturday, after a good nap, we went out on the boat with the Cos parents (who were without children for the day) and Annie K and her roomates. they are SWEET girls, and we had a great time screaming our heads off. I even got to drive the boat!! That night Casey and I watch Anne of Green Gables...Sunday Anne of Avonlea, two of my favorite movies. Monday we went to the parade for our yearly quotient of tootsie rolls and dum-dums. ...and we also saw the band march there again. One cute, tall, slender flute player was especially attractive.....Monday night we spent at the Webers, eating and talking and playing games. Good times.
So, you can imagine that this morning came as a bit of a shock...I'm not quite ready to be back at it...but I can't complain too much since I still LOVE my classes and am not quite swamped with homework. Thanks Lord. Hope you all are doing well...blessings on your labor, or lack thereof.
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