boy am I a looser! No I didn't find the edge of the world, I just don't have a life anymore. Could I get a little MORE homework over here??? That'd be great... :)
Well let's see...I'll try to get you caught up on my life. Homecoming came off great...I went with Laura C and we had a BLAST!! The decorating turned out really neat, especially the part where we had a tailgate party with ham sandwiches in the parking lot at 11:30 the night before...long story, good times. Laura and I and Casey and Heather spent a good part of the afternoon hanging out and getting ready...Heather didn't go but was our cheif adviser. Casey hung with the freshman and looked gorgeous. I'm so proud to have such a beautiful, fun, modest sister... look out boys! Just before Laura and I left the house I got a huge surprise, my dad who had been in LA for the week and was not supposed to be home until Sunday drove in to take pictures and attend the coronation ceremony since we were on court. It was so fun to see him, and I was reminded again of how lucky I am to have a dad like him. After the dance we all headed to Jackie's and sat around since we were out of energy...watched a movie and didn't sleep much...good times.
Since then life has been a blur. Whoever said senior year is a blowoff needs to come and hang out with me for a few days. I am wearing pretty thin and the end of the tunnel, though visible, is still much too small. It's tough to keep sane and not loose touch with my family in the midst of it all. Prayers would be appreciated. At the same time everyone keeps saying, " this is the last time you'll..." and I'm realizing that the next few months are going to be either all nostalgia or all senioritis. I guess it's up to me to figure out how to balance the two.
Good stuff happening too. The congregation at Riverside will vote on a new pastor next week after being without one for almost a year. We are preparing for a youth rally in April for several churches in the city. Been having some interesting talks with common threads with many different glad for the mentors and friends that care enough to help me gain wisdom. From pride and usefulness, to surrender, to relationships--good thought provoking conversation is enough to help me through about anything.
Praise the lord we are headed into a 4 day weekend, and even though the folks have claimed it for scholarship work I'm looking forward to a little bit of catch up on my sleep at least. I'm also going up to Kankakee with Casey, mom, and the Cos girls to watch boy's basketball regionals.
Hang in there all...a very wise man once said,"those who are asleep are never awake." I'll let you figure out what that means. :)
1 comment:
Well, I appreciate the "very wise man" compliment. As for the quote, was it "those who are asleep are never awake" or "those who are awake are never asleep" ? Can't recall the exact wording at this point, but whatever. Glad to be mentioned in the prestigious (don't feel like figuring out the real spelling of that word at the moment) Morglopedia blog. Hang in there yourself. Maybe you need a little skydiving action to help you relax. That, or maybe... computer-hacking pants. Oh, and Check out 2 Chronicles 29 . Hezekiah... he's pretty cool.
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