very little time, less brain power, and a ramble or two to take you on. This could be fun...
Let's see, recap of my weekend is tough but so fun. Friday eve the long awaited secret came out of the bag finally. We threw Dennis and Cheryl Costerisan a century party (they both turned 50 this year) and it was a BLAST. They are such amazing, inspiring people...the type that make me almost afraid to live out my future because I'm scared I can't get it that close to right. Then again they restore my hope that Christians can make a huge difference in the lives of those around them. We made up verses to "you are my sunshine" and gave gag gifts and stayed up late talking. Much fun.
Saturday had soccer practice, then TJ's basketball game, then a crazy fun scavenger hunt at the mall in springfield searching for missing people dressed up like who knows what. I got to run around with people from 3 different youth groups and that was fun. Zach gave a great challenge back at the I really needed to hear. "keep your hand to the plow and don't look back...following Jesus isn't on our terms, it's a fully surrendered cross bearing." When you read this, thanks bud.
My birthday was Sunday and really is a whirlwind at this point...had a nice lunch with my family and then a soul purpose concert, which although totally out of our hands and a little stressful ended up being a great time of worship and I hope a not too unacceptable offering. We give what little we have at our moments of greatest insufficiency and ask God to make it something useable, right?? After that I had a whole slew gob of people from school over for pizza, games, smores, and fun. I love all y'all! Got some teddy bears, chocolate (Hooray!), cookies, some jewelry, a Cd, and even a phone call from Tina...oh, and some rocks. :) God has surrounded me with some awesome sharpening friends who become more precious by the day.
18 seems like one of those impossible ages which I somehow achieved without even noticing. Crazy how that happens. Thanks for the time you've given me Lord...
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Wow, was that all in just one weekend? My goodness, no wonder we're all pooped! We had such a great time celebrating those old peoples' birthdays (again!) with so many great friends. Y'all did a wonderful job putting it together like you did. Kudos.
Then your birthday party was great as well. I hope the rocks weren't a big let down, because I know if it were me, I'd be kinda disappointed considering the weight of the gift bag, and then find out that it wasn't something heavy after all. Well, maybe the heaviness of the lyrics will make up for that. (whatever that meant).
Remember when I pointed out 153 in John 21? If you don't, go look it up. Yeah, well I ended up writing a song based on that topic. Check out the lyrics at my blog thing,
Peace easy sis.
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