Saturday, February 11, 2006 had better be Friday...

Hi all,

It's been a while and I'm amazed at how fast time is starting to fly. Perhaps because of the heavy class load, perhaps because of the crazy happenings in the rest of life it feels like I'm spinning more plates than ever before. It's a good feeling too's gonna be spring break before we know it!

I just got home from a fun part-ay with some of my IV buddies...we watched a countdown of the top 100 teen stars of the 80's and 90' was pretty good times. Then we chowed down on pizza during "Anchorman" and "Drop dead gorgeous"...I can't probably recommend either of them...but I sure laughed a lot tonight.

Tomorrow a bunch of the same kids are going up to Champaign for a concert by the acapella group "the Extention Chords"...I hope to go with them and so get in my party quotient for the weekend.

This week in school I learned how to create a powerpoint presentation (it's not done yet but the fact that I haven't blown anything up with the technology so far is re-assuring) and in my Visual Rhetoric (the persuasion of visual images) class we are learning some awesome stuff about how images, colors, and even shapes shape how we think. It's facinating and scary at the same time. We'll be doing a research project in this class, which is a bit daunting...but we'll take it as it comes.

Bio is overwhelming at best, but I am being exposed to an amazing amount of knowledge and our labs are really cool. well...I think so. ...I'm pretty sure that I really grossed my dad out when I told him about the fungus growth that we are observing on horse dung. hehe...I've decided that it is a biology major's fate to take whatever the world thinks is disgusting or "untouchable" and stick it under a microscope for a closer look. But hey, I can definitely see the connection between a cure for cancer and cutting apart a flatworm to see if it will regenerate a problem...

I'm amazed ever day at how much God has provided great friends for me here. Somehow I am meeting scads of them all the sudden, and I think it's because I've finally realized that I need to be in the music building more often. I am having some great times with the girls in my choir and jazz group, the freshman boys in an acapella group called "remedy," and the kids in my dad's choir who keep me updated on his sanity. There is a warmth and closeness around people who make music together...I'm eating it up. While in the science building Mary and I are sticking close but also finally meeting some fun study buddies if nothing else.

In many ways, this past week has been one of the toughest I remember in a long time...and yet God has been faithful...I only wish that I could be faithful in return. I ache to show these kids a love that is far bigger than me or any of us...yet I balk in the face of the unknown and the seemingly self-sufficient people I meet.

I've been yearning for Friday for a good week now...and suddenly it's Saturday. Crap. That means study day...ok...time for bed!! :)

Blessing and sweet dreams~

"He will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the lord is the Rock eternal."
~Isaiah 26:3-4

1 comment:

Justin said...

Hi morgan how ru u im good and a bit tired considering it is only 11:43pm so yea just wanted to say and dadd abit of randomness too your brain
ardachoke hearts are good