Holy cow, it's April, it's Friday, it's sunny, Easter is a week away, and I've got nothing to do for an hour...sounds like a great time to post!
Coming back from spring break has been hard but good...I can hardly believe how fast time is starting to fly. It has been so easy to be apathetic recently, with beautiful weather coming and fun stuff happening on campus. But I must focus!! So much stuff staring me in the face to do in the next five weeks. Two big research papers are underway, and I'm slowly climbing through source after source hoping that I'll come up with some good arguments. We present for our main research project to a board and group of students on April 28th...aka...I'd better get a good idea of what this thing is really gonna read like ASAP. Our Bio lab is picking up again...papers are done but now we're ready to memorize a huge number of bones and muscles...good stuff...applicable stuff...now I just have to convince my brain cells to keep absorbing for a little while longer! I'm also really enjoying my vocal jazz group...we've got a concert coming up and we're starting to make good sounds. I have learned so much from the experience and love the girls I'm singing with too!
We've had some nasty weather around here lately, which is good because I love thunderstorms but bad because tornados are not helpful people around here...there's been storms all over the country so keep those people in your prayers. We take the "little things" like a roof and cars with no dents for granted.
Ryan and Heather Jackson are now officially in a new house...I'm so excited for them. We have put in a lot of work re-painting and getting everything moved. Soon the re-modeling will be finished and hopefully some of the chaos will subside. I'm also hoping that then they will get to rest for a while...they work so hard to keep us all motivated and encouraged.
Let's see...what else? Oh...Intervarsity hosted a great outreach night the other night called "Stump the Chump." It was basically a chance for a non-threatening discussion environment. We inivted kids to drop questions about christianity in a box all week long, and then come for food and a discussion. Our two insanely smart "chumps" (one is a history buff, the other working on his doctorate in astrophysics) fielded questions about everything from predestination to grace versus justice. We had about 15 kids there that I had never seen before, many of whom I think were challenged a little by what was said. I continute to pray that God will take the seeds sown and cause them to grow. I also pray that we, his instruments, would be effective in reflecting a positive image of Christ on campus. Last night, one of the girls who I met at Stump the Chump showed up for prayer. I have no clue where she stands spiritually, but when we paired off I went over to pray with her and get to know her a little better. Turns out that a good friend of hers from high school had been killed in a car wreck this week. She openly shared her heart...the pain that no one can understand, the fact that the even rocked her world even though she didn't know the girl super well, the inspirational figure that this girl and her family had been. It was an awesome time of sharing, and I hope that she found even a little comfort within our group. I hope that she comes back. Please pray for her...I think God may have brought her across our path at a critical moment. Lord use me....
I found a quote about prayer that I thought was pretty good. The author is heading up a prayer team for the release of "The DaVinci Code" this summer (by the way, another great discussion starter...) I thought his words were pretty good...
"Prayer always works. (It probably won’t surprise you to discover that the head of a prayer ministry believes that.) Of course, a skeptic would reasonably counter my claim – planes crash, patients die, ill-prepared students still flunk. And while it’s hard to prove the effects of prayer on others, there’s one person on whom prayer always works…the person doing the praying. Prayer gets us in the right frame of mind. It puts things in perspective. Most importantly, it takes our struggles and doubts and worries out of our frustrated, feeble hands, and puts them in their proper place – in God’s tender, resilient and purposeful hands."
I'm really excited because I get to be on the IV leadership team next semester. A whole bunch of people from our chapter are going up to Wisconsin right after school gets out for a week of training camp with some other IV teams. I'm getting really excited about this and praying that what I experience up there will both equip me to serve here and draw the people in our group closer to each other. We are going to need all the three, four, and 15 cord strands we can get!
Still working at the hospital occasionally, still singing in church and school choir, still loving being close to my family (yeah, it gets frustrating at times, but much more often its so great to be in on their daily lives). Easter (my favorite holiday of all time) is only 8 days away...praise the Lord!!

And the Mountains rejoice
The oceans cry halleluiah
As we workship you Lord!!!
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