Upper left hand corner is often used for those moments when academic load is just too much. Sure, it would be much more satisfying if I did it to a person and not a book, but you have to settle for what you can get...
Top right...I wish I could say this is an unusual face, but my family can attest to the fact that I have it on just about every morning.
Middle right is a pretty good representation of my "attempting to stay awake during molecular biology" face. I've got a nasty cut on my lip from when I bit just a little to hard... :)
Just to the left of that is the classic "I forgot to study for my lab quiz AGAIN!" face.
Look left once more for the "I hate Org. chem with a passion from deep within my soul" expression.
Second from the right on the bottom pretty much personifies my inability to understand drama in life...whether from weddings and old friends or from intervarsity planning and choir rumors. Its the face you make when you just don't get it.
Of course, I'm glad that the bottom right one is last, because its the face that I make a lot these days. "Keep on Keepin' on" screams of a desire to smile no matter what, not just because it may make someone else's day, but because it really does improve your sense of sanity. ...well, that may be taking it to far...but you know what I mean.
So, now that we got that cleared up, have a great day...and don't forget to EXPRESS YOURSELF! =)
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