Wednesday, April 20, 2005


you'lleverreadso thisshouldbefuninthelastfewweeksI'veplayedalot
ofsoccerandlostalotbummerbutok wenttoanawesomechapter6
jobmom's planningforgraduationstuffI'mtryingtopressthrough
thelastfewweeksofhighschoolever IhadavoicerecitalIcan'tstop

~Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matt. 11:28

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The emptiest day

They say you live in hospitals and trenches/
and towers in the sky/
Well I'm not dying fighting any wars/
except on the inside/

The only thing I need is a void that you can fill/
So I jump ship and run even farther in your will/

And I/
Am looking for a well that won't run dry/
The rest that weary thoughts cannot deny/
When you wrap your arms around me/
I can walk away or face the emptiest day.

Caedmon's Call

Thursday, April 07, 2005

identity: discovered after years of wondering who I am I finally have been given the ultimate answer. Thanks to Matt's newest kick with chain letters I now know that I have a personality closest to Sponge Bob square pants. (I'm digging for the comfort in that fact and have yet to come up with it...)

Whew...glad I know

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The merry old land of Oz

Another big DCS event...another round of everyone pulling together to make it happen....and another very long but fun weekend. This time it was the DCS play, The Wizard of Oz, which has been in the making for a few months now but lacked some essential planning and practice time. When I showed up at dress rehersal on Thursday night I was drafted to make corn out of paper, then watched as the actors rehersed on an ancient sound system and tried to learn their songs. When the rehersal was over the verdict came in...YIKES!!

The drama team spent the whole day at the Lincoln Theater on Friday, revamping sound, learning lines, building sets, blocking, and probably a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't know about. I went before the show to help with hair and makeup(if you ever feel like looking like a flying monkey, you'll know who to call) and ended up staying to help with the tech crew for the three shows. It was so fun...I'd never done anything backstage but the very able stage manager knew exactly what to do with an extra pair of hands...put them to work! I had fun herding munchkins, moving sets, raising the skrim (I'm sure that's not how you spell's basically a really big heavy white sheet that hides sets), attempting to call toto off stage with the assistance of it's favorite chew toy, and watching from the wings. I also had the job of running the curtain around the house in "kansas" so that it wouldn't get caught on the roof. ...I only forgot once, but once was all it took. The house (and the two people in it) got smooshed and I'm just thankful that it was during the tornado scene....leave it to me! At any rate, we had fun and the play really came off well. Ryan, you make one heck of a cowardly lion!

We had lunch today with the senior citizens of the church and the youth group...great to get to know the "older and wiser" crowd a little better...they are the sweetest. We also had a great day for frisbee and got a little in somewhere around the homework. Somehow april has snuck up again and the green grass and daffodills are STUNNING. I'm so thankful for spring!

I hope you all have a great week...enjoy the new warm weather, anticipate the end of the year, and cheer loud for the Illini! Blessings~