Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Far Country

Home again…finally. The past month has been practically non-existent for all of the traveling and performing that I’ve done with various groups. I’ve seen some great places, spent time on the beach, gone through huge airports, tasted new foods, heard new music, and visited relatives and old friends. But there is nothing like home to soothe the soul like balm. We arrived at 4:15 am this morning after 20 ish hours in transit from the Dominican Republic. No one was awake of course when I got home, but just the smell of the house and the feeling of my own bedsheets was more comforting than I could ever have guessed. That and the reassurance that I don’t have to use a bus, plane, or train in the foreseeable future. Hooray for solid ground!

There is tons to share about my most recent trip, but I’ll stick to the highlights as I have an insane amount of catch up to do before school starts again tomorrow. If you’re looking for full sentences you’ve come to the wrong place.

Thursday, March 16th
~4 days after coming home from Miami I began packing my suitcase again. Tons of clothes for tropical weather and concerts alike…my days of “light packing” are clearly gone.
~Spent a few hours with Matt, who dropped me off at Millikin in time to go to Faith’s recital and then load the vans.
~We drove to Chicago in 3 vans and made it in by about 11:30
~Checked into a cheap hotel for a few winks

Friday, March 17th
~Awoke at 3:30 for a shower and re-loaded the equipment (24 pieces including a drum set and amps) in a shuttle.
~Flight from Chicago to Miami.
~Storm in Miami, detour to Ft. Lauderdale, Arrived in Miami 2 hours late
~Sprinting through airport to catch flight
~Flight to DR…we made it but our luggage did not…6 hours in a foreign airport desperately trying to remember high school Spanish. We DID however discover “BON”…a chain of ice cream that got us through the rest of the trip.
~Finally recovered luggage, loaded all into a bus for a 2 hour ride to La Romana.

Saturday, March 17th
~Checked into hotel to sleep a bit
~Visit to local bakery (which we ended up frequenting every day)
~Drive back into the city…we were featured on a Saturday afternoon live TV show…quite intimidating and lots of fun. We’re famous already?? J
~Free night and fun meal at a Shishkabob place before hitting the outdoor bars for cigars.

Sunday, March 18th
~Singers taught a singing clinic at a local arts council downtown. Thanks to the translator we might have gotten a few words through…we had fun singing for them then…music knows no language barrier.
~Into the city square to watch a huge annual parade celebrating “Carnival” (similar to Mardi Gras but 3 weeks long, more violent, and more chaotic)…culture shock firmly established.

Monday, March 19th
~Sang for a catholic school assembly…great show in a semi-outdoor gym…we felt a lot like rock stars and signed a lot of autographs.
~Sang at a bar/restaurant (in that order…) in the city square for a very appreciative audience.

Tuesday, March 20th
~Beach day!! Snorkeling, volleyball, Frisbee, photography, tanning, and relaxing.
~Viewed a show at an outdoor amphitheater at a resort village called “Altos de Chavon”…great food, cheesy entertainment, and lots of very rich people.

Wednesday, March 21st
~Show at another school…very fun again
~Drive into Santo Domingo, the capital city…checked into new hotel on the colonial square…very beautiful
~Show at a ritzy bar for some people who actually spoke some broken English. Nice to hear.

Thursday, March 22nd
~Performance at a huge school which is entirely bilingual. 1200 students, most of whom know 3 languages and have a great grasp on Computer technology, the arts, and both Dominican and US history. I felt dumb.
~Show at International Cultural college for a large audience on a beautiful stage. ~Randomly ran into the mother of a girl who stayed with us in the States on an exchange 7 years ago. Crazy small world!!

Friday, March 23rd
~Free morning…I took the chance to get to see my Cousin who lives down there. I had never met her husband and her little boy, who are both as sweet as can be. I enjoyed seeing her house and catching up on her life. She also got to see a concert.
~Shopping in the Mercado in the city…Faith and Marc and I got really good at bartering and brought home some great stuff!!
~Show at an outdoor cultural stage in a huge plaza…great dinner at a refurbished old stone tavern which was far too nice for a bunch of college students.
~The show was stalled in the middle of the group that went before us when the power went out…no problem…the sound guys spliced the wires in some nearby street lights to get enough power for the stage lights and the sound system. Only in the DR…
~We finally sang, and had a fun show…on the cutoff of our last song there was a torrential downpour and so we all frantically grabbed equipment and drums and microphones and threw it under the stage…then played in the rain for a good half hour. Everything was soaked and we spent a great portion of the evening drying things off with towel and hair dryers. Bonding experience for sure!!

Saturday, March 24th
~The group had arranged a pop song that just came out in the DR for One Voice to sing, and the crowds loved it. So, we ended up taping a performance of it on the same TV show before we headed for the airport. Tough to realize that we were headed back to a place where no one would know/care who we were… J
~Headed to the airport for a long day of transit
~Only lost two pieces of luggage on the way home…not bad

Dang…that was the short version?? I’ve got to work on that…

All that to say, we had a fabulous time…the group was really great, and despite the unavoidable drama and occasional squabbling, we enjoyed each other immensely. Our group is young and not too confident about our “gel” as a group for the most part. The trip showed us just how compatible we were on and off stage and that really helped to cement our shows. It wasn’t the most relaxing of spring breaks, but it was definitely a blast.

Yesterday on the plane I was listening to Andrew Peterson’s “Far Country” album. It is a thought provoking and beautiful collection of songs that talk about heaven. Heaven’s a thing we don’t think about in specific terms very often. It is so far away, so distant from reality, and so unimaginable. Peterson’s lyrics speak of the craving and the emptiness that should be apparent in our lives because we are not “home” yet. C.S. Lewis puts it another way, “If there is a unquenchable craving that nothing in this world can satisfy, I must conclude that I was created for another world.”

I loved the trip, I loved the new culture and the energy of travel and exploring new foods and art and music. I loved finding new pieces of myself in the tapestry of another “world.” But there is nothing there that would satisfy as fully as this home in little Decatur does.

Home again…and loving it. Loving the familiar, the safe, the warm, and the joyous feeling that survives in my home by the grace of our savior. And yet, I was struck that even this is a far country, which despite it’s blessings has downfalls and shortcomings and limited joy. Somewhere out there is a perfect place, which provides the ultimate balm and peace, for it will fit around my heart like a lock fits around a key. It is what I was created for. And while this weary traveler will continue to appreciate what she sees and experiences and explores, she must never forget that little longing in the back of her mind. It is the key to the perseverance of all else.

“And I long to go there, I can feel it too
And the sun that’s shining is a shadow of the truth
This is a far country, not my home…”

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Layover

It's a Wednesday night (technically Thursday morning) and I'm sittin down to blog. Seems to weird to go to bed right now as it's still before two and I haven't done that in longer than I can remember. Tonight a cold front is moving in, clearing away the glorious weather that we have had the last few days, but bringing in the much needed rain. Yay for spring and completely unpredictable weather.

We are back from Miami and officially done with ACDA stress...It went fantastically well; thank you so much to all of you who were praying for and thinking about us. We received so much praise and appreciation...3 standing ovations and glowing reports from some of the "big dogs" of choral music. Dad was certainly honored well, as he should have been...I've never been so proud of him. We got back into Decatur from St. Louis Saturday night and got up early Sunday to go to Chicago for a One Voice gig. After that drive I was pretty much ready to say that I never want to see another moving vehicle.

So, for my week on solid ground, I took midterms, finished papers, and tried to figure out how to best prepare for the upcoming weeks. Seems like I haven't had the chance to breathe in so long! Spent a ton of time studying for my organic test today (which may or may not have gone so well...) and also got to hang out with Matt, who's on spring break and willing to flex with my insane schedule. :)

After 4 days of "layover" here in Decatur, we will hit the road tomorrow evening for Chicago yet again, fly back to Miami (is someone measuring efficiency here??), and then on to the Dominican Republic for One Voice tour. I'm a bit hesitant about the trip right now, but I think most of that is cause I'm tired and wanting to stay home. I'm sure it's going to be an absolute blast though, and it won't take me long at all to re-discover my love for traveling.

All that to say, I'll be out of touch for a little over a week here...leave me voice mail and comments and Facebook messages and I'll get them when I get back! Love to you all in your various galavantings...May He give you the grace to continue to travel down whatever road He has placed you on. I'm glad our paths cross every once in a while!


Friday, March 02, 2007

The Toilet Tribune and the power of prayer

Our campus has a fantastic new little publication that is providing vital information to all us college kids. It's called the "Toilet Tribune" and is placed on the insides of all the stall doors for our reading pleasure. Its a fun way to waste time and catch up on the goings on while know. :)

Today the "you know you're a college student if..." section caught my eye, here are some of my favorites:

...if you find yourself wearing the same pair of jeans for the 13th day in a row without washing them
...if your room is so cold that the toilet water freezes over
...if your trash can is overflowing and your bank account isn't
...if you need a shovel to find the floor in your room
...if your idea of feeding the poor is buying yourself some Ramen Noodles
...if you get more sleep in class than you do in your room
...if your spare time is spent playing Guitar Hero and watching the Office
...if the average amount of cold, hard cash you carry in your pocket is $0.73

It's Friday. After a fluke day of 50 degree weather and tornado warnings yesterday we are back in freezing temps. I've got the upper respiratory crud and can't remember the last time that I put on makeup before classes. I'm pretty physically worn down...haven't had a weekend without a musical production or a wedding since Christmas break and I have also been working pretty hard on Intervarsity leadership these past few months...this weekend we do have one concert, but I'm praying that I'll have the chance to get some rest too. I'm in desperate need of some "margin" in my life and a good 14 hours of sleep or so.

I also have quite a bit of school work (lab reports, studying, and READING in STACKS) to do this weekend in preparation for next week's ACDA convention. We will leave at noon on Tuesday and drive almost straight through to Florida. I can think of a few things that are a little more fun than 24 hours on a bus with 50 people, but then again it will promote a certain air of "togetherness"...which we will need during our performances. We will sing for up to 4000 people by the time we leave on Saturday, most of whom are choir directors from all over the world. Awesome. Even more awesome to see my Dad's life dream come true...pray for his stress level over the next few days.

One Voice will dodge the bus ride home(Hooray!) by catching a flight in because we have another concert next Sunday afternoon. Then it's home for a few days of midterms (right after having missed 3 days of school...that one should be fun) and then off to the Dominican Republic for spring break/One Voice tour!! I'm so blessed by the opportunity to travel so much and hang out with all my nerdy music friends (and by nerdy, I mean cooler than the science geeks...aka cooler than me).

I should mention that God is really doing some miraculous stuff at Millikin this year. And He's using my friends and I to do it through. There is nothing more invigorating. nothing more rewarding than seeing Christians come together and dare to put faith in a God we can't see and a cause we can't scientifically explain. The team is taking risks, evangelizing, pursuing people of many different backgrounds, serving the needy, trying to get involved in a city ministry, and seeking visibility on campus. We long to be a part of a harvest in a place that often looks like an abandoned field.

Last night we had a concert of prayer...35 people in a room alternatively praying aloud en-mass and sitting silently for 10 minutes at a time and singing the great hymns of the faith. We confessed, we praised, we sought God's calling, we put on submission. We're college kids; broke, tired, stressed, stupid, and messy. But I don't think we've ever been more confident of the calling that we share. We wondered anew at the power of the blood of Christ not just to forgive, but to redeem and to give purpose to each of us sinners. And we stood ashamed at our constant desire to "work to make things happen" rather than submitting to the will of a Father who has already perfectly designed our lives.

"Prayer is cooperating with God to bring about His plan, not trying to bend Him to our will. As we abandon our own desires in submission to the One who knows our circumstances far better than we ever could, and who “knows what you need before you ask” (Matthew 6:8), our prayers reach their highest level. Prayers offered in submission to the Divine will, therefore, are always answered positively, whether offered by one person or a thousand. Here is true power in prayer."

March already...and suddenly 2 more years of college seems too short. That's only 20 more issues of the toilet tribune and 24 more months of "practice" before hitting the real world. Guess we'd better not waste any time.