Wednesday, June 08, 2005

...a few of my favorite things

I like monicals pizza
and making cookies with my sis
and grinding brown sugar into her hair
and getting flour ground into mine

I like long runs with plenty of time to stretch out, think, and pray
and reading a scary novel in the middle of the afternoon
and taking time to sort through photos of the past month
and writing thank you notes (yes, still)

I like having a brother that still hugs me goodnight of his own free will
and getting to spend a night just with the kids
and watching little league baseball(even though I can't spell it)
and staying up late even though I have to get up early

I like long hot days, and sitting on the deck in the cool after them
and grilling out
and the promise that with all this humidity it will have to storm soon
and the time to digest a little bit more of CS Lewis several times this week

Sure, I don't like 12 hour shifts
and I'm not too keen on anchovies
and I might like a 36 hour day
and registering for college is WIERD
and saying goodbye to friends is tough

...but all in all, I've got it pretty good

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirit." Romans 15:13

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