Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Park!!

Today I went to the park.

The PARK!! I can't remember the last time I spent 3 hours just chilling at a park, but I did today and it was awesome! A bunch of friends randomly decided sometime between lunch and the end of school that today was a park we grabbed some clothes and headed into the GORGEOUS weather (it was like 65 degrees and sunny and windy) and we had a blast. We rolled down hills, played in the creek, identified cloud shapes, found a random stump in the woods and had team trust therapy (or something like that...ask Joni for the details), played frisbee (although the wind made that pretty difficult), and I swung (swang? swinged?) on a tire swing for the first time in I don't know how long! We also spent some time laying around and laughing at stupid things and talking about how close we are to graduation (all the sudden it's april!) and throwing grass at eachother. I felt like we were elementary kids again...bring it on!

Why is it that in our lives we find so little time for things like this? I wish I was the type of person who put down what I was doing and just stopped to ENJOY more often. I get so wrapped up in keeping up with my schedule that I forget that God put this green earth around us for a reason, and it isn't so there's a place to throw my gum during soccer games. :)

It's days like this that are like balm to the soul...great weather, awesome people to chat with, good crazy random times, and smiles around. If you haven't found a good park lately, grab a buddy and have some fun or just go lay under a tree for a while. I think it will do you good.

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