Tuesday, May 03, 2005

It's May!

Hi all...

So it's been a few days and I have a few updates I'd rather give you than do more English homework.

School continues to wind down...or maybe it's up...I have trouble figuring that out. We had our last soul purpose concert last thursday, our last soccer practice is this Thursday, and I never have to open a calculus book again (I hope) since my math teacher is teaching us something else now (although I haven't the foggiest idea what). :) After tomorrow we only have one more chapel. I keep telling people that I'm not old enough to graduate. Thank goodness no one believes me...I'm ready to go, it just doesn't seem possible.

Our great friends, Dennis and Donna Dare, who have really been more like family to us are moving this summer to St. Louis...a sad thing but a really good thing for them. It's odd to see them go but thank goodness they won't be too far.

The house is getting turned inside out getting ready for end of the year stuff...which mostly amounts to talking mom into buying 2 cakes rather than three and assuring her that our house will hold all the people who will be coming. It also means that we have gotten to see every picture we own in the last few weeks, which is a blast. It's always fun to look back on old memories and see everything as it was...sometimes blissful, sometimes stupid, sometimes sad, and for me often akward (just like that spelling). It's interesting that the baby pictures are just as much fun to look at as the picture of TJ in a cowboy hat and boots and his underwear or random pictures around the house or the many shots of the homeschool group dressed as authors, ancient Romans, and singing minstrels. Through the ups and downs, the laughs and lessons, God has been extremely faithful to my family and I...the little reminders pop up like dandelions as we sort through the pictures. Maybe that's why it's so good to look back at I time when I feel like my whole life is about pressing forward. God's really calling me to trust without seeing in several ways lately...Pray for me on this one if you would...I'm too stubbornly independant to be the faithful, indebted follower I am called to be.

I hope you are doing well...especially you college people who I don't ever see but are still alive as far as I know. You may never read this but it doesn't change how much I love and appreciate you guys! Can't wait for summer-

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