Monday, May 30, 2005

Quarantined and recovering nicely

Hi all-

Wow...what an amazing weekend...somehow everything I've been working towards for the past 12 years just ended and it was a great feeling. ....well, ok, that's extreme. Not EVERYTHING, but a lot of it. Friday was graduation and it was a great time...not too sad, not overwhelmingly happy. It was very odd but good timing. We had fun meeting all of the people who came to see us turn the tassels and then headed into a whirlwind weekend. Open houses at every imaginable hour of each was impossible to do it all. Friday night after the ceremony I went to Joni's and then was at Beth's until 12:30. I had a fantastic time at my open house Saturday poor grandparents got worked to death I'm afraid but they were willing helpers and made everything run very smoothly. Getting to see so many people in a day and catch up at least a little bit on their lives was truely a treat (although my feet hurt a little afterwards). I took a million photos and watched everyone chow down on the red velvet cake, cheesecake tarts, chocolate dipped strawberries the size of small apples, and the world's best punch. I enjoyed floating between my grandparents, church people, old friends, teens, kids I babysit, and mentors in my life. The expression of love was huge and very appreciated. Saturday night I was off to another party on the heels of the last people who left our house. We played volleyball and ate some more at Nicole's and then went to the lake for fire works. Drama drama drama...but the fireworks were cool. :)

On sunday we were up and at 'em early for church, came home for lunch, and mom and dad had me open the first of my gifts...Dennis and Donna gave me a digital camera, which I enjoyed using for the rest of the weekend. WOW!! What a fun toy! Then we were out the door to three more parties...enjoyed looking at all the old pictures and talking with the same people all three places about how everyone had the best food, the cutest decorations, the biggest attendance. some point this process probably becomes rediculous, but we had a good time doing it. By 11:00 last night we were all worn out and ready for some R&R. Mom and dad declared that today was a household wide one comes in, no one goes out. Boy did we need it! Relaxing morning on the deck, fun times finally opening my gifts, a stroll by the lake, a nice dinner, a game of bocce ball, and viewing all the home videos from this spring with the grandparents about filled the day. Tonight I got the best gift I've ever received...Casey wrote me a song for my was a tender moment. I love you sweets.

I wish I had something profound to say about graduating...perhaps it will take a little while to understand this tornado that we like to call "May." Then again these days have made me wonder if we can ever truely understand the "transition periods" in our lives until we see them in context way down the road. Somehow God controls the steering wheel even at our moments of greatest uncertainty and question...halleluiah!

Tomorrow it's back to the real world, I head to the hospital for training, which I am SO excited about. I'll post about it sometime. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Peace.


Chris said...

Hey Morgan. I tried emailing you but it wouldn't work.. i don't know why. Nice blog. You write a lot! That's good though. I'll talk to you later. My going away party is saturday night at mar's house. Come.

Chris said...
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