Tuesday, May 24, 2005

a little catch up

I promised myself that I would make a post some time before graduation...because I know that if I don't I'll forget everything that's happened in the last few weeks in the flurry of this weekend. For anyone who cares (or for me if no one does) here you go:

Florida was simply awesome...I hadn't been to the beach since I was 5...which doesn't really count as anything. HOLY COW! It was one of the most breathtaking and exhilarating things I have ever seen. The powerful, never ending waves, the beauty of the sunrise over the horizon, the mystery of the moon and stars over the pounding water. It was awesome. On top of this all the group really did have a fun time...we endured a fair amount of drama, but not too bad considering, and the great fun I had with people I don't always spend time with far outweighed it. Long delays in the airports, a great day at Universal Studios, and less than 9 hours of sleep during the whole trip made it a memorable one indeed. Can't wait to get my pics back tomorrow.

Sunday we had our last soul purpose concert and started the onslaught of graduation parties with a great big shindig at Matt's. Good times had by all...especially the smore factory people around the campfire.

Today I spent my first day on the job at the hospital. It was an incredible day, extremely eye opening, educational, and even a little scary. I am working in an ICU wing as a nurses' aid...which basically means that I stock cabinets, keep records, and take vitals while working next to life or death situations. I am very excited about the things I will see and learn, and a little scared about the possibility (and probability) for error in my work. Maybe this will help me become a bit more detail oriented. I'm already preparing for the challenge of keeping my compassion level for patients balanced with efficiency and objectivity. It will be an interesting mix...I'm determined to find it. God gave me some very special experiences today which reminded me of the value and frailty of life. Make the most of every moment guys...we never know what will come next. Please pray that I will have a positive impact on my floor too...the atmosphere is already very different than what I am used to. I want to be able to shine a strong light, and I praise God for the Christian friend I have already made on the floor.

Well, 5:15 came pretty early this morning...now I must to bed. Peace and God's blessing to you all as you celebrate the coming of summer.

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