Sunday, August 07, 2005

Back in the it feels good!

Greetings from cloudy florida where it rains every day and is clear in the nights! That's about the only "Darn Tootin'" that I can summon from the last ten days. It was an AWESOME trip, even if I didn't get enough of a tan to share with all of you like I promised. :)

We saw two of my cousins and my aunt and uncle for the first time in 9 years...this meant that one of the cousins is now pregant and married (the other two are well on their way...) anyway, that was neat. We saw wedding pictures and caught up on all the news. My two oldest cousins are brothers (26 and 23) and the funniest guys around. One is bald and in the navy and as boisterous as they come. The other is into martial arts, totally a people person, and can recite any word backwards in about a second. He unleashed this phenomenon during dinner one night and had all 14 of us rolling on the floor. we were shooting words out right and left, and he returned all of them without difficulty. He also recited the alphabet backwards in about 3 seconds. Darn photographic memories. When the laughter subsided my dad said "that's incredible!" Without skipping a beat, Ian said "elbidercni?" Both of them were total gentlemen...the type that seem to live to serve. Casey and I agree that we are totally spoiled for the rest of our lives. My youngest cousin Bryan is 13 and a hoot. He had fun learning street fighting from Ian and then trying it on me. :)

We also had a great night to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa's 60th wedding anniversary. (that's so many years to live with a person!!) was so cool...casey and bryan dressed up in the hat and navy uniform that they were married in and we had cake and did swing dancing and looked at old pictures and let them reminice. We were really glad to have the week to spend investing...and they did some investing in us. We had our own service were my grandfather blessed us all, wrote out our strengths and encouraged us with a scripture. It was cool.

Somewhere in the midst of one of the 15 hour trips we realized that we had been in the car for 12 straight hours 3 days out of the past week. YIKES!! it is time to be home for a while.

When we got back yesterday, we decided that vacation didn't need to be over quite yet, so we went boating with Costerisans, re-taught mom how to water ski, and then went to dinner with them. Lastly we went to check out the decatur celebration, which was cool because I have never been in town for it. Anyway, we are hoping to head back there tonight to see Jars of Clay. Yay fun. My only regret is that I didn't get to see Chris before he left today. There were just a few too many people at that concert last night!!

I'm eating up the prospect of the last two weeks with minimal schedule issues...blessings on you all.

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