Sunday, August 21, 2005

t-3 seconds and counting

Greetings all-'s the last weekend before school starts and so I thought I should write something...not sure what yet, but it will evolve as always I hope.

Gosh, the last week has totally flown schedule became so packed that I'm lucky that in all the time I didn't drive to the wrong city, lock my keys in my car, or fall asleep in the middle of some random building (I did leave by gas cap at the station...but that's not TOTALLY eccentric, is it??). Craziness! I had a great time though, seeing everyone off...getting in on 4 different packing sessions with my friends (family dynamics are always heightened during these can be pretty funny...), and lots of parties to say goodbye for "the last time." We spent more time recording, went to Kim's for a night, went out on the boat for the last time, had a church picnic, and generally made the most of every waking second. Thursday night we had a few of the church families over to our house for some ice cream and a goodbye for Jackie and Andrew. I felt that it was a little unfair that I had to say goodbye to both of them in the same night. They have made this year so fun in so many different's hard to imagine school without them. However, if we are going to introduce the rest of the world to our craziness (which we spent the last 4 years perfecting) we will have to split up some time I suppose. Love you guys tons.

I've been doing a lot of reading and shopping trying to get all ready for school myself. Last night I went to spend some time with Zach and Tina before Zach left this morning, which was fun. And tonight and tomorrow I work again for the last time (no more 12 hour night shifts!!)

This time next week I will be fully emersed in the "college world" and trying to keep my head above water and perhaps even make a difference there. Prayers are appreciated...peace to you all!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Well, I've a small bit o' time to write.
Ya know, at first thought, daily chapels seemed like they would grow old and routinish, and maybe sometimes they will, but man, the music here is wonderful, and my soul finds great encouragement for this coming year every time I attend.
Having Josh, Annie, Laura, Michelle (from Berean Bpst), and other friends I've just met, around has been great, too. I don't know how much I've already told you, since I seem to write "in bulk" more now, whenever I get these pockets of time.
I really hope your time at Millikin is a great growing experience as well. You might have it the weirdest. For Jackie and me, we have left almost everything familiar to embrace a whole new setting and scenery. For you, however, you have most of the same scenery, yet things must be so changed now. Perhaps the empty spots stick out more in your case. Man, I don't want to bring up pink elephants or anything, so I'll stop letting you focus on the bad. Look up! You have your family to come home to, Riverside family to still meet with every week, the wonderful smell of Soy City (oh whoops, I was trying to list "goods").
All's to say, we're all in unique places in our lives now, and only continued trust in our Father will keep us on the narrow.
Don't let things you hear at Millikin contrary to your belief threaten you, unless it proves true. Just remember that all truth is God's truth. Then, the threat of Truth is no threat at all, and ironically, the threat of untruth is the same.
Wishing the best for you. Hopefully you found some encouragement reading this.
Joy and peace to you,