Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Birthday bashes, potlucks, wimps, and construction...

Well well well, lookie here...it's almost February! What?? February?

Indeed the days seem to fly right now. It's midnight and I have 3 other things I should be doing right now...but I had a few random events I wanted to chronicle before I get into the Word and then hit the hay. I know if I don't write them down now, they will slip through my fingers like so many poppyseeds...

Let's see...events recently include a surprise 50th birthday party for my dad, a not surprise 16th birthday party for Casey (license to follow in about 4 weeks...), work, school, a church potluck (and a hillarious convo involving boogered meat and spoons...), and an afternoon with my friend Cristina from Millikin. She is an absolute sweetie...I hope you all get to meet her some day. We frequented Culver's and had some very uplifting conversation...I anticipate a lasting and meaningful friendship with her!

School is in full swing and after just a week and a half I must admit I'm a little overwhelmed. Yet I love my classes, and I'm facinated with all that I'm finding there is to learn. I secretly laughed when my critter teacher told us the other day that "the more you know, the more you know"...but as I've pondered that phrase I've begun to wonder about what does happen when you know more. I got so curious that I wasted about 45 min the other day looking it up...here's some that I found:

"the more you know, the less you understand"
"the more you know, the more you sell"
"the more you know, the more you see, the more you percieve"
"the more you know, the more you know there's more to know"
"the more you know, the more options you have"
"the more you know, the harder it will be to make decisive choices"

...I could go on, but you get the point...and I'll let you decide which one is the most true or applicable. There's a point where I think all of us wonder, "where is this going?"...and yet I have been very convicted of late that God's purposes are not held outside of academia, though my friend Millikin would love for me to believe that. The God of all who fasioned our human minds in a way that we still don't comprehend surely wants us to put them to good use. There's something quickening and exciting about that truth...about the possiblity that all of this "know" could cause us to do some growing...and, Lord willing, some "doing" too.

Speaking of doing, I saw the movie "End of the Spear" twice this weekend...once with Cristina and again with my family and the Costerisans. As we walked out of the theater, my friend turned to me and said, "man, I feel like a wimp..." ...ditto...

If you haven't heard about it, it's the true story of the group of missionaries who were speared to death preaching to the native people of Equador. Jim Elliot, one of the 5 men killed, has had his story told often, but this movie was told from the perspective of the son of another missionary. His story is one of incredible courage, intense pain, and the battle for forgiveness and sacrifice in his own adult life. Although the message of the gospel is not as blatant as I would have liked, for those of us who know Christ's calling to "Preach the word," the challenge is as clear as it is frightening and breathtaking. I won't talk any more about it, but if you haven't seen it, I would give it a shot.

God has been doing some pretty tough chiseling on my heart in recent weeks...if you think of it, please pray for me. I guess you'd say I'm going through a little bit of a personal construction project...one whose end is not in sight but whose improvements I hope to see soon. Its funny how I never notice how big of a problem I have until I start trying to change it...thanks Lord for speaking clearly.

Well, tomorrow I have classes and/or babysitting from 8am to 9:30 pm straight...so it's really time I hit the hay...may he continue to bless you as you give your hearts to him...goodnight

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