Sunday, January 08, 2006

Life is Beautiful

~I got called off work tonight
~I'm headed to see Pride and Prejudice in a few minutes with my sis and mom instead
~It's mid January and it's like 60 degrees and sunny out
~The doctors haven't found any cysts on me...yet
~I get to go to summit this summer
~I only have one more semester of my Freshman year in college
~I don't have to go back to school for 10 more days
~I've got a roof over my head right now...I'm typing on a laptop...
~my family hasn't kicked me out yet, even though there are days that I'm an impossible grouch
~I've eaten at Panera twice today
~There were two little kids at sleeping in her carseat and one wide awake, standing in her mother's lap...who made me thankful to be alive today. Kids are facinating to watch is sweet

Casey wrote a song (actually, she wrote a bunch but she won't let me hear them...) that she sang in church this morning. It's cool that I have a sister who is able to make beautiful music out of thoughts and feelings that seem to come out of my heart rather than and scary how that works. Got to love being sisters!! :) I thought you might enjoy the lyrics...

Once again I come before you broken and afraid
Once again I feel my heart has given itself away
and I confess that I forgot whos life this was
And I want you to be the only thing to capture my heart with love
I've betrayed you Lord and maker over and over again
For useless gain with selfish thoughts I constantly trade you in
But if there's one who can forgive it's you alone
can you take back this rugged life I call my own?
So I turn again to you
And I remember that you are the one I've given myself to
And I pledge my love...again
Cause in this book of life I've promised you the pen
So here's my heart again

Casey Holmes...future awesome composer of the year...and my sister...who doesn't want this one here....hehe....she says it's don't steal it...

Blessings on your week...on a new semester and a new life. When we put our lives in his hands we can be confident that his mercies and grace are new EVERY THAT is truely beautiful. Peace

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Life IS Beautiful. You know, there's a movie by that title. It's originally an Italian film, but the DVD lets you either listen to overdubs or subtitles. You should ask Dr. Randy to borrow it. There's two stories in one--The love story and the war story. You'll see what I mean if you watch. I love the soundtrack as well.
Anyway, hope work's treating you well, and just life in general, I suppose.