Thursday, July 21, 2005


So Dennis Dare, my adopted family member moved in with my family for the next 6 weeks or so until his job moves him to St. Louis. Along with him comes his play station 2 (I'll take any of y'all on at tetris), Bryer's chocolate ice cream, and a healthy supply of Dennis' breakfast food which he has eaten every morning for the past ten years: diet coke and a reese's cups. He wore a shirt yesterday with a hershey's bar on it and the phrase "unconditional love." That made me a happy girl. So has having him around.

Technology hasn't treated me very well lately. After bugging my eyes out on tetris a few nights ago I for some reason got on the computer to order a whole bunch of photos from Walmart online. It too me forever to get it all going, then I pushed "check out" and it put up a projected upload time of 22,998 min and 7 seconds.

I believe from now on I'll just make the drive.

Today the car broke down in Target and leaked a healthy amount of fluid to the pavement and smoked enough that Casey jumped from the car, sure that it was going to blow up. It's still in one piece and still in the shop (for the second time this week)

Tonight I work, and tomorrow morning early we head for 3 days in Minnesota where the family is going to sing. We have been practicing a lot lately since it's been a while and our voices have changed. Taking coaching from two of the most musical people I know, trying to match up with my musical genius of a sister, and surviving TJ's well placed funnies (some ants toot!) has made practice sessions interesting and so much like our family. Wow. That's all I can say. Getting to re-learn songs and lessons that I've been singing since I was 7 is really a fun thing. Our favorite of the pieces we will close with on our concert.

Lord make us instruments of your peace
where there is hatred let your love increase
Lord make us instruments of your peace
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
When we are your instruments of peace

That's what we are praying into our own family and the lives of the families we will touch this weekend. Well, I have to go...duty calls. Blessings on you all, hold down the fort, can't wait to see you! Blessings~

1 comment:

joeljohnson said...

lol, the walmart thing always says that to me too, but if you wait a bit it goes down, but with a lot of pics it still takes a while