Monday, July 25, 2005

72 hours and counting

Those of you who know my family know that we don't sit around too much. Schedules, planning, and long vacations usually come in abundance this time of year. We got back from this place in Minnesota that you see here...I hope(technology isn't my thing)...tonight at about 10 and ASAP thursday morning we will leave for Florida. ...I'm starting to think maybe we should just get a private jet so we wouldn't have to spend so much time in the car...and we'd probably get complimentary peanuts to boot. While we're at it we should also probably get a jet ski and a lakeside cottage. My family discussed dreaming big this weekend, can you tell??

When we set off on Friday morning (just an hour after I got off work) we didn't really know why we were going to drive 22 hours round trip for 36 hours at a camp we'd never been to before. It ended up that we sang for 3 families who homeschool during the day in a few sessions. This was a challeng because they brought their children, a fact we only recognized about an hour before they were to arrive. This was interesting because always before we had watched mom and dad talk about how they raised us so that we could sing (scary really...we didn't know there was a system...). Now all of the sudden Casey and I were doing the teaching...and not just to the well meaning parents, Oh NO! we were teaching the guinea pigs themselves....their kids.

Needless to say we spent an amusing afternoon, especially since 5 of the kids were boys between the ages of 10 and 12. We covered the essentials of voice exploration, rounds, and partner songs, as well as jumping jacks and telephone. Thank goodness that we kids make a good team.

That night we sang for a good crowd of long time camp attenders and some staff. It was an enjoyable although long and hot concert (no AC). About half way through it though I realized that I was not up there singing just for "those people" out there. The songs and their lyrics started hitting ME in the forhead just as hard as I wanted them to hit the audience. As the family shared testimonies the obvious theme of trusting God through change, especially when we feel weak became incredibly apparent. ...and of course, just what I needed to hear. On top of the blessing this weekend was for me, we received very positive feedback and lots of greatful thanks. Also invitations to Dallas and Michigan...just in case we have extra time during the rest of the summer. :)

Now that we're home I have 72 hours to get things ready again and enjoy some time with my friends, some of whom have been over seas for the better part of this month. Guess I'd better go get some sleep. See y'all later.

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