Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Labor Day??

I'm not sure who it is that labors on this weekend, but I can tell you that it wasn't me. I had a great weekend of relaxing and ignoring my homework. I've decided that living at home presents you with tons of reasons NOT to study. Oh well...

Friday, casey got duded up in her regalia to go march at the football game. Dude, she looks hot in overalls and a plume... (the funny thing is that you think I'm kidding!). It was fun to finally see the band...she did great although the team struggled mightily.

That night we headed to Faith where we had a lock in. Got all our wrists tied together and were forced to eat pizza...that of course ended in a food fight that Zach won :( somehow loses its appeal when it's smeared all over your face. But it was pretty fun. We also played with balloons, crate paper, and well as Dance, Dance Revolution, super weird comedy videos, and murder in the house. A couple of the college kids were home and it was great fun to see them. Even went to IHOP and tried to order at like 6 in the morning. I'm sure that waitress thought we were all stoned. Tee Hee!

Saturday, after a good nap, we went out on the boat with the Cos parents (who were without children for the day) and Annie K and her roomates. they are SWEET girls, and we had a great time screaming our heads off. I even got to drive the boat!! That night Casey and I watch Anne of Green Gables...Sunday Anne of Avonlea, two of my favorite movies. Monday we went to the parade for our yearly quotient of tootsie rolls and dum-dums. ...and we also saw the band march there again. One cute, tall, slender flute player was especially attractive.....Monday night we spent at the Webers, eating and talking and playing games. Good times.

So, you can imagine that this morning came as a bit of a shock...I'm not quite ready to be back at it...but I can't complain too much since I still LOVE my classes and am not quite swamped with homework. Thanks Lord. Hope you all are doing well...blessings on your labor, or lack thereof.

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