Sunday, September 25, 2005

a thought for all you developing geniuses....

hi all...synopsis of my weekend:
-sleeping a little
-doing casey's hair for homecoming
-wishing I remembered to buy that ugly yellow parka to zip casey up in before she left (she was absolutely usual...)
-sleeping less than a little
-working out
-talking to you....

in the midst of a crazy amount of reading this weekend I came across a quote that made me think...

"One cannot be creative without learning what others know, but then one cannot be creative without becoming dissatisfied with that knowledge and rejecting it (or some part of it) for a better way."

....just a thought as you all journey through this sponge-filling experience we like to call school. This week "learning what they know" means two quizzes and my first two tests (bio and chem) a scientific research paper, an english paper, and probably the other classes won't just be idle...oh boy...prayers are appreciated. Love you all but must to-bed now. Blessings on your week.

1 comment:

Jackz said...
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