Friday, October 28, 2005


Hey y'all...

This week has flown (fine by me) and suddenly it's Friday afternoon and I'm staring at the weekend again...the last one in October. Can you believe it?

Thank goodness this week slowed down a bit. After all of the flurry last weekend and the stress of pre-fall break tests, it has been a welcome relief to find the monotony of normal class periods, short homework assignments, and the never ending ebb and flow of college existence. I find more and more that I'm loosing touch with individual moments for the feeling of just being carried along by it all and affected by the whole. Ok I guess...but I like specific moments too. Hmmm....

This weekend is FULL!! And fun too...Tonight I head to the "Booseum" at the children's Museum with a few of my buddies. We will be helping out wherever needed...painting faces, helping sticky-fingered kids make treats and crafts, sporting costumes, probaby playing in the museum some too! :) Then mom wants me to help her get started on a quilting project and I think we'll pop in a movie. Something about green tomatoes...I'll let you know. Tomorrow we clean for the arrival of our old friends the Traums, who will be here Sun and Mon...and I work, Sunday the choirs have their fall concert. Good times.

Looking ahead is always a bit intimidating, but somehow around this year I get way pumped to do so. Vespers, turkey day, finals, snow and coldness, christmas caroling, presents, and a month of break. What am I talking about...the leaves haven't fallen and I'm only a week out of fall break! Oh wells...

Wish I had something more interesting to say...but I don' there. Hope y'all have a great weekend...blessings and prayers~

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